Improving visibility across your network, data, apps, and employees
Date & Time
Thursday, May 30, 2024, 11:35 AM - 12:20 PM
Chris Draper Vinod Muralidhar Nigel Williams-Lucas

Visibility is critical for security and network operation teams. The rapid adoption of hybrid work and cloud platforms has made troubleshooting, policy enforcement, and reporting more difficult. In this session we’ll discuss how Cloudflare One, our SASE platform, can provide end to end visibility across all of your security and network operations. You can get practical advice from a current customer on leveraging visibility tools to improve your troubleshooting, forensics, reporting, connectivity, and security posture.

Location Name
Hub 2/3
Full Address
Convene at 225 Liberty St
225 Liberty St
New York, NY 10281
United States